Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Update! :)

I guess it has been a while since i have written in my new age diary, so i thought that this would be a good time to unravel the recent, crazy events in my life. Boy! It has been a very stressful, crazy, and intense last couple of months. If you didn't know, i sprained my ankle last year at green acre around november time, and now just recently my clumsy butt decided to hurt my knee because i guess my other leg was feeling lonely :). The worst part is is that i hurt my knee colliding into Rashaun while playing hide and seek or more specifically, cops and robbers in the dark. So thats number one in my life right now, my knee injury lol. There have been some lows, well a lot of lows. Let's just say that one of my closest friends, well i guess i thought it was my best friend, we haven't been having the greatest last couple of months. Im not gonna lie, im not too happy with the situation, but it is what it is. What can you do? Right? I guess blogging is more of an entrance to conversation than cell phones are now a days....you would think not, you would think the other way, but i guess some of us forgot how to use a cell phone. Not that im a very technologically savvy person, but i guess i can figure how to dial a number ey? I guess its just funny and amazing how one person can change so dramatically in a matter of months due to spontaneous events and people i guess would be the best way to say it. But im still here, same person just waiting on my friend to come back, so i guess ill just be waiting for however long it takes. As my mom always tells me, detach myself an it will all come together. The love that you have for others who you consider blood will never die out thats for sure. :) So that's number 2. Now for number 3! Ill be leaving Green acre soooo sooon! Im terrified ! Absolutely and utterly terrified. Still not sure whats going to happen, what state im going to end up in or for that matter what school, but i guess God will put me where im supposed to be. Indiana or Atlanta? Hmmmm....seems like a mindless decision, but let me tell you, its one of the hardest decisions that i have ever had to make, and im not liking it at all. Actually it sucks. Wow! It seems like my life has been hell the last couple of months, but honestly i have no regrets and im loving my life right now. Awesome friends, amazing family, and priceless memories in the past year and some months. How much better could it get. :)!!!!!!!!