Saturday, September 19, 2009


Ok so im a little excited so i thought i should use my new age public diary to share. So i have been into krumping for a while now, if you don't know what krumping is, well type into you tube and experience it for yourself, its awesome! Anyways, tizrizzo, jsquad, krump kings...all amazing! Now that i have kami by my side, who also is into krumping, we have decided to start it, form a routine, and perform it at the talent show! Now, normally i would never ever and i mean never ever do this, because, well, a stage and people that exceed a certain number...not really my piece of pie. But, if anybody knows me, dancing is my passion and my life. Anything from belly dancing to hip hop to salsa and latin music, and my new fascination of course, krumping. It's the one thing that truly makes me happy, especially with a lot of stress, krumping is perfect...Anger management on the dancefloor, it can't get any better. Im super ecstatic to start i have to get kami into a routine of practicing haha. i love you kamikaze. krump krump krump here we come. Now, don't get me wrong, this is going to be a challenging "journey," but an exciting one at that. Bonnie and Narsha were able to see a sneak preview at our krumping, and they found it entertaining, so that's a good start. But let me just say this, were going to be decked out..white mask, black hoodie, black pants, the whole shebang! It's going to be a performance you don't want to miss, especially because its me and kami performing, the too goofballs of the century. I hope we don't burst out into laughter on stage. We only have about 2 months to work on it, so expect some blog updates about this is now become my hobby and my time consuming project, especially now that its winter and i actually will have the time to do it. Ok so now im done talking about krumping...i hope that everyone had an amazing day like i did, full of laughter and friends! I looove all of you! Peace in the middle east (literally!) keep praying for Iran!!!


  1. This is so funny! The name Krumping in itself makes me laugh......I wish I could see this all go down. ha ha, good luck!

  2. hahaha thanks katie i was going for funny so im glad to hear that u laughed! And don't worry ill be posting videos of when it does happen u can be sure of that...documentation that i actually did it haha!
